- Wear loose waisted pants.
- Don't slouch, but sit at 90-degrees or more (reclined, no belly compression) or stand.
- Take a nap (naps rule! no nausea when I wake up!).
- Take an almost-brisk walk outside in the fresh air.
- Eat an orange (or almost anything else I can stand; I feel fine while eating, and citrus seems to last after eating too).
- Never get full or hungry. Snack frequently. In first trimester, I needed 150-200 calories every two hours. By second trimester, I tapered off to more food every four hours.
- Eat bland food that's high carb and low fat, eat high protein and low fat, and drink fluids especially water and lemon-lime Gatorade. Look at the dietary suggestions from Margie Profet because I felt better when I did not eat the suspect vegetables (and I love my fruits and veggies; I just switched to fewer of some while eating more of others).
- Drink fluids between meals, not during.
- Don't hold your breath. I sometimes hold my breath when concentrating, but don't.
- Smell a lemon. Don't ask me why, but I'm fine while smelling a lemon scent. I'm told that sucking on a lemon slice will also get your mind off of pregnancy sickness, but I didn't need to go that far.
- Switch to a prenatal multivitamin without iron in it. GNC has one. This made a huge difference for me. (I also get lots of iron in my diet, so I need to worry more about iron toxicity than iron deficiency. Since the deficiency is common, this one may not apply to anyone else.) Do continue to take a multivitamin!
Friday, February 25, 2005
Morning Sickness
HotSync error 16385
Hardware: any OS X Macintosh including Pismo, Palm Tungsten T3.
Problem: When I tried to hotsync with USB, I got this error message:
Unknown Sync Error
I had just installed the IrDA.prc keyboard driver for my SmartKeyboard SK6688. If it's active, I get that sync error.
Solution: But all I have to do is uncheck "Active Keyboard" in IrDA on my Palm! Very easy to toggle. Using Bluetooth for sync will also avoid this problem, but since I leave it in the charging cradle at work, I (like to) use the convenient HotSync button.
Saturday, February 19, 2005
Anti on Anti-Bacterial
Antibacterial soap sounds great, right? Oh, where do I start on that one? For one, there's no indication that it does a better job killing bacteria than regular soap, so it's just scare-tactic advertising. (See WebMD.)
- Children raised in homes with high use of antibacterial products have a higher rate of asthma and allergies. Trust me, both of those are miserable: I have exercise-induced asthma, and my allergy to cigarette smoke makes me break out in hives at the worst times. (See Henry Ford Health System.)
- Beneficial bacteria are killed with the nasty bacteria. For instance, oral antibiotics can kill beneficial intestinal flora. (See Drs. Oz and Roizen.) What does that mean? Well, let's just say I would stay within a dash of the bathroom, and start eating yogurt with live cultures to get your intestines back in shape. Also, without the beneficial bacteria in residence, there's more room at the inn for the nasty ones. Bottom line: not all bacteria are bad! The ones that belong are less susceptible to basic cleanliness like scrubbing with soap and water.
- Increased antibiotic use leads to resistant bacteria strains! So when you really need that antibiotic to work, perhaps to save your life, the chances aren't as good as they could and should be. (See WebMD.) It's not yet known if antibacterial soap contributes to this like antibiotic drugs, but the antibacterials aren't great for your general health either.
- Antibacterial products are very bad for sewage treatment. (I know this is a re-statement of #2, but it's an important view of The Big Picture beyond your own hands and your own kitchen counter.) You can kill your septic tank this way, if you're not on a sewer line. If you are, increased antibacterial use has increased city sewage costs (passed on to you!) at the treatment plant! In both case, the antibacterial products kill the beneficial bacteria in the system to break down the sewage.
So what should you do instead? Rub your hands with regular soap and warm water for 30 seconds. (See University Health Network.) Then rub your hands dry to continue the mechanical removal of bacteria. If you're on the road, use a hand-sanitizing gel instead. (See WebMD.) Be prudent: this is a public health issue that affects everyone.
Moral: There is no quick fix! In this case, plain old soap and water with regular old-fashioned scrubbing is how to get clean.
Tuesday, February 15, 2005
8600/G3 and OS X 10.3
February 15, 2005
I don't know when I will have time for this project, but I want to install OS X 10.3 on my old PowerMac 8600 with the Sonnet G3/266 upgrade and use it for a file server. I live in a multi-platform household, and a little SAMBA sharing could make life easier.
I already upgraded the 8600 to 9.22 with OS 9 Helper. And I "installed" X Post Facto 3.0. This 8600 has a USB/Firewire card and a few other trinkets.
Before I start, I will need to boot back to OS 9 (hold down option at startup, select that hard drive; one reason why I put 9 is on its own 4 Gig SCSI hard drive while X gets its own 36 Gig SCSI hard drive), and reformat the 36 Gigger with Apple Drive Setup. It wouldn't recognize it for the initial formatting, but X Post Facto isn't happy with anything else that I have (I'm fairly sure that my HDT is too old to count, but I did use it for the initial format).
Then it should be as simple as inserting the installer CD, launching X Post Facto, and letting it go to town.
March 29, 2005
UPDATE 1: Of course it's not that easy! I can't format the 36 Gig SCSI drive with Apple's software (I did dig up an old copy of APS PowerTools that had no problem), but in order to be compatible with XPostFacto, I have to format with Apple's software (not possible) or with Intech Hard Disk SpeedTools. This project isn't worth that much $ to me, so I'm pondering alternatives.
May 4, 2005
UPDATE 2: I dug out an old 4 Gig SCSI drive, formatted it, installed OS X. Once I booted into X, I noticed that the 8600 could format the 36 Gig drive ... did that, installed X on it, and swapped the 36 Gig for the 4 Gig drive. Other than spinning my wheels trying to decide if I were going to continue on this path, I think I got the 36 Gig up and running in the shortest way possible: by bootstrapping with the 4 Gig drive. I don't know why I couldn't format 36G with OS 9.2.2 on the 8600, or much of anything (mounting was problematic!) on my dual G4 MDD. But it works now, the install was smooth as silk, and I'm burning CDs with my favorite applications so I can install goodies! File server, here I come! I look forward to Samba file-sharing bliss at home.
November 18, 2005
UPDATE 3: I have spousal permission to use a Mac mini for our home file server instead, because it'll use less power.