Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Linux VNC oddity

I turned on Apple Remote Desktop on my MacBook Pro, but I couldn't VNC into it from my Linux box. However, I could VNC into it from my Solaris 9 box, and from my Mac at home (the one that mattered) with Chicken of the VNC 2.0b2. All Macs running 10.4.10. Linux gave me an unknown message type 242.

Here's what I saw on Linux ( RHEL4AS):


VNC viewer for X version 4.0 - built Jan 10 2007 07:48:23

Copyright (C) 2002-2004 RealVNC Ltd.

See http://www.realvnc.com for information on VNC.

Fri Jul 6 17:30:58 2007

CConn: connected to host port 5900

CConnection: Server supports RFB protocol version 3.889

CConnection: Using RFB protocol version 3.8

Fri Jul 6 17:31:02 2007

TXImage: Using default colormap and visual, TrueColor, depth 24.

CConn: Using pixel format depth 6 (8bpp) rgb222

CConn: Using ZRLE encoding

CConn: Throughput 20069 kbit/s - changing to hextile encoding

CConn: Throughput 20069 kbit/s - changing to full colour

CConn: Using pixel format depth 24 (32bpp) little-endian rgb888

CConn: Using hextile encoding

unknown message type 242

main: unknown message type

On the other hand, here's what I saw on Solaris 9:


VNC server supports protocol version 3.889 (viewer 3.3)


VNC authentication succeeded

Desktop name "a.b.c.d"

Connected to VNC server, using protocol version 3.3

VNC server default format:

32 bits per pixel.

Least significant byte first in each pixel.

True colour: max red 255 green 255 blue 255, shift red 16 green 8 blue 0

Using default colormap which is TrueColor. Pixel format:

32 bits per pixel.

Most significant byte first in each pixel.

True colour: max red 255 green 255 blue 255, shift red 0 green 8 blue 16

So if I can use something other than Linux, my VNC viewer to Apple Remote Desktop works. I wonder if Linux is just using a newer version (RFB remote frame buffer protocol version 3.8 instead of 3.3) ... but (intelligent!) backwards compatibility would be nice! I really didn't troubleshoot any further than this because it was Friday evening, and I could go home if I had reasonable confidence that I could VNC in to my MacBook Pro. Since Solaris worked, I didn't much care why Linux failed. Sure enough, my Mac at home also worked, so I went about finishing that long task, and enjoying my precious weekend.

Update: solved 10/02/2007!

Macintosh, Troubleshooting, Unix

DIY leave-in conditioner

I don't have the patience to put "product" in my hair. Getting my hair to behave is a losing battle anyway, so I'm sure it would take too much time if I ever did find something that works. The one product to come around that fits my patience level and has a positive effect on my hair is spray leave-in hair conditioner.

My hair stylist suggested making my own. Kelly, who was very cool even back when we were in high school together, said to fill a spray bottle with water and then to add my favorite conditioner. Well, I don't have a favorite conditioner. But I do have some conditioning products gathering dust that are thick goop that I don't use because they go on too thick when I do it. Kelly can make these work well in a jiffy, but I don't have her touch. And even with a simple recipe like that, I didn't follow it (no surprise).

I boiled two cups of water, and let two chamomile tea bags steep overnight because I was tired. I filled a 12-ounce spray bottle nearly to the top with this tea, and then I added two Tbs of Sunsilk De-Frizz 24/7 Creme. (I poured the excess chamomile tea on some plants since I'm not a fan of drinking chamomile tea.) I do need to shake it before each use, but it works so much better than the straight goop ever did! It smooths frizzy hair, and it's easy to apply! It even has a slight bit of holding power! Talk about easy. I like the combination much better than the parts, since I don't drink chamomile tea and I couldn't use the thick goop effectively.

UPDATE 03/31/2011: Consider adding up to 1 Tbs of sunscreen as well, to protect your hair from ultraviolet damage.

Monday, July 9, 2007

DIY moisturizer

I don't know why it took me so long to try this, but I mixed my own. I've got a number of moisturizers that aren't quite right on their own. I like the coverage of Neutrogena Skin Clearing makeup in blushing ivory since I'm pale, but towards the end of the day, my face is shiny. It's difficult to apply a thin layer, but Neutrogena Pore Refining Mattifier really controls shine. I've tried several moisturizers with sunscreen, and so far they all go on greasy. However, if I mix equal parts moisturizer with makeup and add a small dose of mattifier, it works out well! The sum of the parts is better than the parts ... and no, I don't want to take the time to put on three separate layers when I can mix it together in advance.

I had some eye moisturizer that was too thick, so I mixed in a little witch hazel (for your eye skin, make sure the witch hazel isn't cut with alcohol that would dry your skin out), and it became much fluffier and easier to spread. For daytime eye moisturizer, I added some tint as well, and that adds a nice subtle glint.

I think it's easier to get exactly the features I want in a moisturizer by mixing several to get sunscreen, tint, matte coverage, and vitamins! So don't be shy, give it a try!