Tuesday, August 5, 2008


So I've been having a conversation about ADD, and Amy showed me a quick adult ADD screening quiz. (What's funny here is that my web search turned up the longer quiz first, and I thought to myself, Gah, too long, where's the short quiz?)

I mean, there's childhood ADHD to explain why I couldn't even walk calmly as a kid (too boring) and took 2 hours to fall asleep that usually changes into adult ADD (I thought I was calmer because I'm exhausted with children). I'm not sure there's a difference between attention deficit and multi-tasking, except that the second is a real asset at work. I think I would write it off as modern life favors multi-tasking, except that I also have incredible focus at times. It's really productive. And honestly, skittering from one topic to the next, even at work, generally isn't all that productive. It's kinda fun to whack-a-mole on my email, but at the end of the day ... the more productive days are when I follow my checklist of what to do (or have focus). So while I haven't internalized it, it sure does make personality sense.

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