I finally sent a bug report to Syncplicity to help them improve the Mac client, and their reply was that they no longer support Macs. Time to look for an alternative! Luckily I gave up on the USB-thumb-drive-rsync that caused me to use Syncplicity in the first place and went back to Firewire-micro-hard-drive-rsync (it's older, but lasts longer, probably because USB flash drives aren't made for many write cycles, and just plain works) so I don't have the same urgent need to keep certain files synchronized between home and work MacBook Pros.
Conveniently enough, Lifehacker has an Online Storage Feature-by-Feature Comparison Chart for the services that have a free trial. Since I especially like the sync between two Macs, that narrows the field down immediately to two: Dropbox and Mozy. I suppose it doesn't have to be a sync so much as an automatic upload when I change certain pre-determined files.
So, browsing lifehacker ... Mozy has that enterprise aura of respectability (I have to look for that in software at work, so it's second nature to notice it when it appears). Dropbox is looking like the standard by which to judge others. And don't forget the newcomer (to free trials) SugarSync! And the gDrive should be coming soon, too.
Mozy or Dropbox? Mozy is cheaper to add more online storage space, but I don't use much since rsync to Firewire is fast and easy. I think it comes down to how I plan to use it: Mozy aims at backups (so compare to rsync.net) and Dropbox aims at sync (so I have common files readily accessible even if I forget my travel drive). So I guess Dropbox wins the toss.
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