Monday, May 29, 2006

Sleeping and Eating

Well, studies say sleeping peaks at 6 months and drops again by 9 months, especially in the breastfed ... and I think we're living (and not sleeping) proof. I thought we were on our way to sleeping through the night a while ago, almost sleeping through the night, but somewhere along the way, we took a scenic detour. I hope we get back on the main road soon! I don't think Karston has seen the sleep chart that suggests he should be sleeping more at night.

My theory is that sleeping through the night might have more to do with weight than age. Karston's skinny, he wakes up in the middle of the night saying he's hungry, and then he eats like he's starving. Hmm, that's not too hard to figure out! I wish we could get him to eat more during the day. I've seen recommendations that he should be eating six small meals during the day, and we're lucky if we can get him to take five in one day (four is more common). (Sometimes it's listed as three meals and three snacks.) If he would eat more, he could weigh more, and (according to my theory that could be pure hogwash) then he could sleep through more of the night. Such a vicious circle! Just eat! Just sleep!


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