Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Monkey GSD

The reason why I use TiddlyWiki in general, and Monkey GSD in specific (when I want to track tasks), is that I don't have to be annoyed.

For example.

This morning, I was very faintly mildly irritated (while setting up a new Action) that once I select a Project, that is left-most on the line, the Area adjacent to it vanishes so I can't set it. My first thought was to switch the positions of Project and Area, so that I would fill in an Area first, then a Project, then Area would vanish but at least it would have a value. However, once I found where to switch the order of the two, it was obvious how to keep Area from vanishing.

So instead, I just got rid of the vanishing act by removing this text wherever it appeared: macro="hideWhen tiddler.hasParent('Project')" .

However, since Areas are more general than Projects, I might switch the order as well ...

I don't know JavaScript, I don't know the inner workings of TiddlyWiki, but even I can modify the "software" so it doesn't annoy me. Awesome feature!

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