You know how some days you wish you had stayed in bed? Well, I wish I had stayed home today instead of coming in to work!
Early this morning, there was a power blink that affected my office building.
I got to my office and heard a siren. A quick check of stepping back into the hall confirmed that the siren was inside my office, and not for the building. I had trouble locating the source of the high frequency sound, so I started shutting things down in that corner, starting with the easiest. After warning the Nagios keeper, I powered off my old Solaris workstation, but all that turned off were the fans. I warned everyone watching the various network monitoring applications, and pulled the power on my switch, but again only fans turned off. So it turns out that the APC UPS (hissssss) under my desk, the one I had turned off more than two years ago because it started beeping intermittently to tell me it had no battery capacity anymore, was the siren. No lights on, but what a squeal! I had plugged it into a hard-to-reach location behind my desk five years ago, and never unplugged it because it was so hard to reach.
The side effects of that are still on-going -- and that's what I've done for work today! Bah.
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