Tuesday, July 23, 2013

S5 to PDF

I would rather use S5 for presentations than a proprietary solution. (I think Landslide is cool, and it has the feature to append #number to the URI to jump to that slide, but I can integrate S5 into my PmWiki so I stick with S5.) After a recent conference presentation, I was asked for the PDF version of my slides, and I was stumped for a moment. Then I found this post that turned me on to PrinceXML to work with S5. I thought about explaining how much I like Prince (after one use), but Ryan Tomayko already wrote that PrinceXML is extremely impressive. So I'll just say that I didn't like the initial output, and the documentation came to my rescue! I like well documented software that does what I need to do.

The actual command I used was prince --media projection -s page.css input.html -o output.pdf with the following for page.css:

@page { size: 1600px 900px; margin: 0 0 0 0; }

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