Monday, August 10, 2020


Many years ago, I had an MRI as part of a research study. As you might now, it's VERY LOUD inside an MRI machine, even with earplugs on. I followed the suggestion to close my eyes before entering The Machine, and I was in there for about an hour. However, I didn't expect to have an MRI again, so I opened my eyes as I was coming out. I had no idea that the "ceiling" was an inch from my nose! I managed not to panic only because I was almost clear when I discovered how tight it was. I took a nap while I was in there, despite the racket, and apparently I didn't twitch at all - the research study got very detailed results from me.

Fast forward to Friday, when I had another MRI. I have to say, the machines are far more open and expansive now! It was still loud, and the sounds were less regular this time, but it wasn't claustrophobic this time - I had more than a foot from my nose to the inside top of the scanner. This scan only lasted 20 minutes, so I didn't even get a nap this time. Did I mention it was REALLY LOUD in there, even with ear plugs? This video gives you a good idea, just remember that you're inside the noise, and it's LOUD despite ear plugs, and not all of it sounds like the MRI can be functioning properly. Even when I was holding still, the machine was sometimes shaking me! I amused myself by remembering the robot origins of dubstep, and making up my own to go with the sounds. So of course someone has already made dubstep from MRI sounds! I found my second MRI was neither boring (because I amused myself) nor terrifying (I expected smaller). The tech even covered me with a warm blanket!

Also, some of the comments on the first video are spot-on!

  • Doctor: We've upgraded our MRI machine Me: It has a higher resolution now? Doctor: No, it has a better bass
  • Skrillex : I Am Father Of Dubstep. MRI Scan : Hold My Beer
  • Needs more cowbell

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