Sunday, September 27, 2009

I Miss My Boys

I have an "All Hands" meeting tomorrow, so I just drove home from the coast. I left my boys with Daddy so they could enjoy more time at the coast, another boat ride, maybe play on a sandy beach. I cannot possibly explain how hard it was to leave them behind. The hormonal sense of bereavement was excruciating. I think what I learned is that I can't possibly get divorced. I have no reason to (thank goodness! we all love Daddy!), but even if I did, I couldn't bear to leave my children on a regular basis. It was brutal. For some reason I can go to work in the morning, but this "optional" trip when I came home a day earlier is rough. I wonder if it's because Cale nursed right before I left so all of my "mom hormones" are up.

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